Robinson, Geoffrey

Creator details

Robinson, Geoffrey
Painter and sculptor, Geoffrey Robinson has produced an alien-featured, free standing Trauma Child in aid of the British Red Cross, in order to raise the profile of the charity’s work. The alien influence follows the theme from a series of work he is completing and which he researched in Los Angeles.

Assets (8 in total)

Dog 1, 1994 (pastel on paper)
Venice 13, 1995 (pastel on paper)
Venice 9, 1993 (pastel on paper)
Cob Mill, 1994 (pastel on paper)
Zurich by Night, 1994 (pastel on paper)
The Visit - East Meets West, 1989 (w/c on paper)
Near Valletta, Malta, 1993 (pastel on paper)
Dolls on the Windowsill, 1986 (w/c on paper)

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