Kitaj, R.B. (1932-2007)

Creator details

Kitaj, R.B. (1932-2007)

Assets (38 in total)

If Not, Not, 1975-76 (oil and black chalk on canvas)
Value Price & Profit, or Production of Waste (oil on canvas)
R. B. Kitaj, 1970 (b/w photo)
Land of the Lakes
Autumn in Central Paris, 1972-77 (oil on canvas)
Tedeum, 1963 (oil on canvas)
Marrano (The Secret Jew) 1976
From London, James Joll and John Golding (oil on canvas)
Where the Railroad Leaves the Sea, 1964 (oil on canvas)
The Billionaire in Vincent's Chair, 1999 (oil on canvas)
Nietzsche's moustache
Femme du Peuple II

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