Master Bertram of Minden (c.1345-c.1415)

Creator details

Master Bertram of Minden (c.1345-c.1415)

Assets (44 in total)

Visit of the Angel, from the right wing of the Buxtehude Altar, 1400-10 (tempera on panel)
The Fall, detail from the Grabow Altarpiece, 1379-83 (tempera on panel)
The Creation of Adam, detail from the Grabow Altarpiece, 1379-83 (tempera on panel)
High Altar of St Peter's in Hamburg, the Grabower Altar (tempera on panel)
The Creation of the Sun, Moon and stars, detail from the Grabow Altarpiece, 1379-83 (tempera on panel)
The Creation of the Animals, detail from the Grabow Altarpiece, 1379-83 (tempera on panel)
The Nativity, from the Buxtehude Altar, 1400-10 (tempera on panel)
The Offerings of Cain and Abel from the High Altar of St. Peter's in Hamburg, The Grabower Altar, 1383 (tempera on panel)
Dividing Light from Darkness from the High Altar of St. Peter's in Hamburg, the the Grabow Altarpiece, 1383 (tempera on panel)
The Division of the Waters from the High Altar of St. Peter's in Hamburg, the Grabower Altar, 1383 (tempera on panel)
The Buxtehude Altar, right wing, 1400-10 (tempera on panel)
The Sacrifice of Isaac from the High Altar of St. Peter's in Hamburg, the Grabower Altar, 1383 (tempera on panel)

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