Hubbard-Ford, Carolyn

Creator details

Hubbard-Ford, Carolyn
Carolyn Hubbard-Ford was born in Guernsey, Channel Islands, in 1947 and has been a designer for the past 35 years, firstly as a fashion designer but mostly as an interior designer, in both London and Hong Kong. Although doing much drawing and some paintings in the course of this work, most of her significant paintings have been produced since the early 1990s.<br> <br> Hubbard-Ford trained at the London College of Fashion in the 1960s and developed her style from practising the age-old method of copying the best when wishing to progress to new and different styles.<br> <br> Her work is greatly influenced by the styles and designs of the periods between 1910-1940 with strong references to Art Deco, cubism, vorticism, jazz and other shapes/trends of the 1930s.<br> <br> Hubbard-Ford’s work is sold by use of image only as she does not produce great quantities of her often very large paintings. Recently EMI records reserved the exclusive right to use her largest work as a CD cover for a couple of years and that painting and many others have appeared on front covers or on inside pages of several publications, including opera programmes, Christmas cards and invitations. Her work is mostly in oils and occasionally pen/pencil and watercolour.<br>

Assets (35 in total)

Jazz, 2004 (oil on canvas)
City in Shards of Light, 1998 (oil on canvas)
The Reading Corner, 1999 (oil on canvas)
A Theatrical Dinner, 1998 (oil on canvas)
Pigeons (w/c on paper)
Circus Heights, 2002 (oil on canvas)
Carmen (w/c on paper)
Flamingo (pencil and w/c on paper)
Ascending, 2004 (oil on canvas)
Carnival Mask II (pencil and watercolour on paper)
The Jester's Puppets (w/c on paper)
Mackerel with Oysters and Lemons, 1993 (oil on paper)

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