Kolbe, Georg (1877-1947)

Creator details

Kolbe, Georg (1877-1947)
Born 15 April 1877, died 20 November 1947. At the age of 16 Georg Kolbe left school to attend painting and drawing classes at the Kunstgewerbeschule in Dresden. From 1895 he studied at the Akademie der Bildenden Künste in Munich and in 1897-1898 for six months at the Académie Julian in Paris. In 1898 he went to Rome for three years and there his interests turned to sculpture. In 1903 or 1904 Kolbe settled in Berlin where he became a member of the Secession. He volunteered for the army in 1915 and in the following years he was commissioned to design war memorials. He became professor in 1918 and a member of the Akademie der Künste in Berlin in 1919. Kolbe is the sculptor of the statue Der Morgen (1925) which was installed in the Berlin Garden before 1929 and then in the Pabellón Mies van der Rohe for the Exposición Internacional de Barcelona (1929-1930).

Assets (20 in total)

Assunta, 1921 (bronze)
Ludwig van Beethoven -
Stretching; Kriechende, 1924 (bronze with dark brown patina)
The sculpture
The sculpture
Assunta, 1921 (bronze)
Statuette (Ascending); Statuette (Aufsteigende), 1921 ; 1921-1947 (bronze with brown patina)
Kneeling figure, 1927 (bronze)
View of the monument to Heinrich Heine in the Taunuslage Park with the Deutsche Bank in the background (photo)
The exhibition Grosse Deutsche Kunstausstellung, Haus der Deutschen Kunst (1937-1944), 16th July 1939 (b/w photo)
The sculpture
The sculpture

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