Tibaldi, Pellegrino (1527-96)

Creator details

Tibaldi, Pellegrino (1527-96)

Assets (82 in total)

Ulysses blinding Polyphemus, detail from the Room of Polyphemus, 1550-1551 (fresco)
The Odyssey, detail of Polythemus, 1554-56 (fresco)
The Odyssey, detail of the Tritons and the horses from Neptune's chariot, 1554-56 (fresco)
Aeolus giving Ulysses the bag with all the winds, detail from the Room of Polyphemus, 1550-1551 (fresco)
Companions of Ulysses escaping from Polyphemus, detail from the Room of Polyphemus, 1550-1551 (fresco)
Polyphemus (black chalk on paper)
Aeolus giving Ulysses the bag with all the winds, detail from the Room of Polyphemus, 1550-1551 (fresco)
Room of Ulysses: episodes of the Odyssey, 1550-1551 (fresco)
Adoration of the Child (oil on canvas)
Ulysses and Circe, circa 1550 (fresco)
Nude in the corners of the ceiling of the Room of Polyphemus, 1550-1551 (fresco)
Ulysses and Circe, detail from the Room of Polyphemus, 1550-1551 (fresco)

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