Lindner, Richard (1901-78)

Creator details

Lindner, Richard (1901-78)

Assets (71 in total)

And Eve, 1970 (oil on canvas)
Rear Window, 1971 (oil on canvas)
The Cyclist, 1951 (oil on canvas)
The Yellow Tie, 1974-75 (oil on canvas)
The Street, 1963 (oil on canvas)
Benedict Spinoza, Ethics, 1677, 1956 (oil on canvas)
Untitled, 1969 (w/c on paper)
The Window, 1958 (oil on canvas)
Profile of a Man with a Hat and Red Band, 1969 (gouache on paper)
Two, 1969 (crayon & pencil on paper)
How It All Began, 1974 (colour litho)
The Secret, 1960 (oil on canvas)

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