Schnabel, Julian (b.1951)

Creator details

Schnabel, Julian (b.1951)

Assets (8 in total)

Kaballistic Painting, 1983 (oil on velvet)
Portrait of Dennis Hopper, 1999 (oil, wax, bondo and ceramic plates on wood)
Beautine, 1990 (oil, resin, gesso, leather on sailcloth)
Untitled (Martine), 1987 (oil, plates, bondo on wood)
Death takes a Holiday, 1981 (oil on velvet)
What Once Denotes Chaos is now a Matter of Record, 1981 (oil, plates, chandelier, bondo on wood)
Fox Farm Painting VI, 1989 (oil, gesso, marker on velvet)
Hamid in a Suit of Light, 1982 (oil and modeling paste on velvet)

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