Manek, Sabira

Creator details

Manek, Sabira
The latest designs by Sabira Manek take their inspiration from the new millennium. Her series of no less than 80 designs subtly reflect her views on the new age.

Assets (56 in total)

Sun, 2005 (gouache, acrylic & penwork)
A Devil Called Love, 2007 (mixed media)
I-Ching 2, 1999 (gouache and pastel on paper)
I-Ching 5, 1999 (gouache and pastel on paper)
Chen, 2005 (gouache, acrylic & penwork)
Jabari, 2008 (mixed media)
Salaam, 2007 (gouache & acrylic)
Tui, 2005 (gouache, acrylic & penwork)
First Writings
Dini, 2008 (mixed media)
Millennium 'Scales'
Sunfan 1, 2008 (mixed media)

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