Masanobu, Okumura (1686-1764)

Creator details

Masanobu, Okumura (1686-1764)

Assets (40 in total)

A Great perspective print of the Echigoya draper's shop at Surugacho (colour woodblock print)
Large Perspective Picture of the Kaomise Performance on the Kabuki Stage (Shibai kyogen butai kaomise o uki-e), c.1745 (hand-coloured woodblock print)
Large Perspective Picture of the Kabuki Theatre District in Sakai-cho and Fukiya-cho, Edo Period, c.1745 (woodblock print)
Daytime in the Gay Quarters, c.1739 (colour woodblock print)
Kumagai Naozane and Taira no Atsumori, late 17th-early 18th century
Large Perspective View of the Interior of Echigo-ya in Suruga-chô, c.1745 (colour woodblock print)
The Scroll Mounter's Wife, Osan, 1725-30 (woodblock)
Sugawara Mitizane Zo, Portrait of Sugawara Michizane. [Between 1716 and 1736], 1 Print : Woodcut, Color ; 31.2 X 15.8 ., Full-Length Depiction of Sugawara Michizane (845-903), a Nobleman Who Became the Deity Kitano Tenjin.
Sparrows in the Snow, c.1725 (colour woodblock print)
Shoki, the Demon Queller, c.1745 (woodblock print)

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