Lewis, Jane (b.1953)

Creator details

Lewis, Jane (b.1953)

Assets (31 in total)

The Inner Chamber, 2003 (oil on canvas)
Bird Table II, 1997 (pastel)
The Geometrist, 2000 (oil on canvas)
Mirrors, 1997 (oil on canvas)
Ship of Fools, 1992 (oil on canvas)
Six Bowls of Fruit (pastel on handmade paper)
Still Life with Figs, 2001-02 (oil on panel)
The Black Veil, 2005 (pastel on handmade paper)
Masker (oil on canvas)
Persephone, 2000 (pastel on paper)
The Harlequin's Cat, 2007 (oil on canvas)
La scultura, 2005 (crayon on paper)

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