Caro, Anthony (1924-2013)

Creator details

Caro, Anthony (1924-2013)
Caro had a conservative training at the Royal Academy Schools in London, but later was greatly influenced by time spent with Henry Moore. He is known for his abstract metal sculpture made of industrial parts typically painted a single color.

Assets (32 in total)

Emma Books (metal)
Argentine, 1968 (painted steel)
Quarter Past, 1980 (brass plate & cast bronze)
Night Road, 1972 (painted welded steel)
Argentine, 1968 (painted steel)
Table Sculpture CCCLXXI, 1977 (rusted steel & varnish)
Anthony Caro, 1967 (b/w photo)
Antony Caro, 1963 (b/w photo)
Smiling Head III, 1956 (bronze)
Paper Sculpture #78, 1982 (mixed media & paper on Tycore)
Redoubt, 1988-90 (bronze)
The artist Anthony Caro with one of his sculpure, 2004 (photo)

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