Ostade, Adriaen Jansz. van (1610-85)

Creator details

Ostade, Adriaen Jansz. van (1610-85)

Assets (120 in total)

The School Master, c.1662 (oil on panel)
Peasants by an Inn (oil on canvas)
Peasants Dancing in a Tavern, 1675 (oil on panel)
The Fishwife, 1672 (oil on canvas)
An Alchemist, 1611 (oil on oak)
Tavern Scene
Lawyer in his Study
Village Inn with Backgammon and Card Players, 1674/75 (oil on panel)
The interior of a schoolroom
Interior with Peasants, 1663 (oil on oak panel)
A Fight
The master of school Scene class, an old teacher with small students from favorite backgrounds, 1662 (oil on canvas)

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