Tofanelli, Agostino (1770-1834)

Creator details

Tofanelli, Agostino (1770-1834)

Assets (203 in total)

View of the Cloaca Maxima, 1833 (etching with brown wash)
Raphael's House on the Palatine, 1833 (etching with brown wash)
St. Peter's seen from a vineyard, 1833 (etching with brown wash)
The Palazzo Farnese, 1833 (etching with brown wash)
The Temple of Jupiter Tonans - Restored by Camporesi, 1833 (etching with brown wash)
Ponte Salario, or Sabine, 1833 (etching with brown wash)
The Porta San Lorenzo, inter ageres, 1833 (etching with brown wash)
The Palazzo Imperiali Valentini. Archaeological Restoration., 1833 (etching with brown wash)
The Palazzo Massimo, 1833 (etching with brown wash)
Title Page of 'Recueil des vues au bister dessinees et lavees par Callimachus, Souvenirs d'antiquites et curiosites de Rome et des environs, Deblayements et reparations du Pape Pie VII', 1833 (engraving)
San Pietro in Montorio, the site of St. Peter's martyrdom, 1833 (etching with brown wash)
Interior of the Porta Asinaria, 1833 (etching with brown wash)

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