Peruzzi, Baldassarre (1481-1536) (and workshop)

Creator details

Peruzzi, Baldassarre (1481-1536) (and workshop)

Assets (19 in total)

The 'Sala delle Prospettive' (Hall of Perspective) detail of trompe l'oeil niche depicting the goddess Juno with a peacock, 1518-19 (fresco)
The 'Sala delle Prospettive' (Hall of Perspective) detail depicting a view of Rome, 1518-19 (fresco)
Apollo and Daphne, 1517-18 (fresco) (detail of 2646086)
Scene of flood withe the myth of Alcyone and Ceyx, 1517-1518 (fresco)
Scene of flood withe the myth of Alcyone and Ceyx, 1517-18 (fresco) (detail of 2646081)
Scene of flood withe the myth of Alcyone and Ceyx,1517-18 (fresco) (detail of 2646081)
Apollo and Daphne, 1517-18 (fresco)
Triumph of Venus: marine scene with dolphins and cupids, 1517-18 (fresco)
Parnassus, with Pegasus and Poets, 1517-18 (fresco0
Portrait of an Olivetan Monk, c.1515 (oil on canvas)
Apollo and Daphne, 1517-18 (fresco) (detail of 2646086)
Thiasus of Dionysus, 1517-18 (fresco) (detail of 2646092)

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