Cragg, Tony (b.1949)

Creator details

Cragg, Tony (b.1949)

Assets (17 in total)

New Stones - Newton's Tones, 1978 (found plastic objects)
George and the Dragon, 1984 (plastic, wood and aluminium)
Japanese Couple (Mr, 1984 (plastic found objects)
Red Indian, 1982 (plastic)
Orange Bottle; Flasche Orange, 1982 (found plastic fragments)
Early Forms, 1993 (bronze)
Spiral, 1982-83 (found objects)
Grey Container (wood, ceramic, glass and crayon)
Untitled, 2006 (wood with steel base)
Inside Out, 2001 (white marble)
Untitled, 1988 (sandstone sculpture in seven elements)
Different Point of View, 2011 (bronze)

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