Mura, Francesco de (1696-1782)

Creator details

Mura, Francesco de (1696-1782)

Assets (28 in total)

Sisygambis, the mother of Darius, mistaking Hephaestion for Alexander the Great (oil on canvas)
The Descent of the Holy Spirit
Supper at Emmaus, c.1750 (oil on copper)
Alexander Condemning False Praise, 1760-9 (oil on canvas)
San Pasquale (oil on canvas)
Portrait of the artist, three-quarter-length, seated, holding a pencil, at an easel with a picture of Minerva (oil on canvas)
Classical Scene
The Adoration of the Shepherds (oil on canvas)
Departure of Aeneas, by Francesco De Mura, 1742, 18th Century, oil on canvas
Self Portrait, c.1740 (oil on canvas)
St. Francis of Assisi (one of a pair, panel)
Classical Construction Scene (oil on panel)

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