Fasolo, Giovanni Antonio (c.1530-72)

Creator details

Fasolo, Giovanni Antonio (c.1530-72)

Assets (95 in total)

Invitation to the Dance, 1570 (fresco)
Invitation to the Dance, detail of the central group, 1570 (fresco) (detail of 20000)
The Concert, detail (Fresco, 16th century)
The Concert (fresco)
The Game of Cards (fresco)
Breakfast at the Villa (fresco)
Invitation to the Dance, Main Hall, c.1570 (fresco)
The Concert, Main Hall, c.1570 (fresco)
The Banquet, detail of figures at table, 1570 (fresco)
Detail of The Banquet, c.1570 (fresco)
Detail of The Banquet of Cleopatra, Room of the fireplace, c.1560-65 (fresco)
Detail of The Clemency of Scipio, Room of the fireplace, c.1560-65 (fresco)

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