Bedford, Francis (1816-94)

Creator details

Bedford, Francis (1816-94)

Assets (17 in total)

The Capitals of the Portico, Temple of Khnum, Esna, 1862 (sepia photo)
Prince of Wales's party in the Temple of Karnak, 1862 (b/w photo)
Group photograph in the Hall of Columns, Karnak, Thebes, 1862 (b/w photo)
The Colossi of Memnon, statues of Amenhotep III, XVIII Dynasty, c.1375-1358 BC, Thebes, 1862 (sepia photo)
An Excavated Temple at the foot of the Sphinx, 4th March 1862 (b/w photo)
Exterior view of the prayer hall, Umayyad Mosque, Damascus, Syria, 1862 (b/w photo)
The Hall of Columns at the Temple of Karnak, Luxor, 1862 (sepia photo)
The Prince of Wales's party at Ain-et-Tin (Khan Minyeh), 1862 (b/w photo)
Exterior view, Umayyad Mosque, Damascus, Syria, 1862 (b/w photo) (see also 345702)
Warwick Castle, c.1857 (albumen print)
Black pawn, chess piece, India, 1820 circa (ivory)
Pompeiian Ornament, from Cundall's Examples of Ornament (colour litho)

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