Verard, Antoine (1450-1519)

Creator details

Verard, Antoine (1450-1519)

Assets (9 in total)

Full-length portrait of Saint Louis, Miniature in
The Normans led by Viking Chef Rollon, 10th century (miniature)
Death of St. Louis at Carthage, 1493 (illuminated printed woodcut on vellum)
Coronation of Louis the Pious, 1493 (illuminated printed woodcut on vellum)
The king of France Louis XII (1462-1515) in prayer with Charlemagne behind him - Miniature, 1494-1496 (miniature)
White pawn, chess piece, India, 1820 circa (ivory)
Siege of a city, miniature from the manuscript
Frontispice of “” Le Grant Therence en Francois”” by Antoine Verard (active 1485-1512) - theatrical representation in the 16th century
The author presenting his book to the King of France Charles VIII (1470-1498) Miniature from “Chronicles de France”” illustrated by Antoine Verard (1450-1519) Biblioteca Nazionale, Turin

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