Spencer, Gervase (fl.1740-63)

Creator details

Spencer, Gervase (fl.1740-63)

Assets (10 in total)

Portrait of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu
Portrait miniature of a Young Boy, thought to be John Crewe, later 1st Baron Crewe, of Crewe Hall, Cheshire (w/c on ivory with touches of gold)
Altar design, 1925 (pen & ink and wash with pencil)
Portrait miniature of Charles Fitzroy, 1st Lord Southampton (1737-97), semi-profile to the left, wearing scarlet coat with blue and gold facings and brass gorget and a crimson sash (w/c on ivory)
Lord John Cavendish, 1748 (enamel) (see also 3076170)
A portrait miniature enamel of Susannah Beckford, 1755 (enamel on gold)
The Rt. Hon. Lady Caroline Montagu (w/c on ivory)
Lady Dorothy Cavendish, 1751 (enamel)
A portrait enamel of George Beauclerk, 3rd Duke of St Albans, wearing blue jacket with gold lace decoration, the sleeves slashed, lace ‘Van Dyck’ collar and powdered hair (enamel)
Portrait enamel of a Young Girl with her younger sibling, wearing white dresses, standing in front of a column, holding a baskand of flowers, 1752 (enamel)

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