Zuccarelli, Francesco (1702-88)

Creator details

Zuccarelli, Francesco (1702-88)

Assets (43 in total)

Cadmus and the Dragon
An Italianate River Landscape with Travellers (oil on canvas)
'Macbeth', Act I, Scene 3, Macbeth, Banquo and the Witches, c.1760 (oil on canvas)
The Huntsman's Rest, 18th century
Landscape (oil on canvas)
The Tomb of Horatii and Curatii (oil on canvas)
Italianate wooded landscape with a shepherd boy piping to peasant women
An Extensive River Landscape with a Village (oil on panel)
Madonna and Child
Landscape with Peasants Watching a Herd of Cattle (oil on canvas)
An Italian Landscape with Children Fishing
Landscape with the Education of Bacchus, 1744 (oil on canvas)

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