Fremiet, Emmanuel (1824-1910)

Creator details

Fremiet, Emmanuel (1824-1910)

Assets (18 in total)

Equestrian statue of Joan of Arc (1412-31) 1874, modified 1899 (photo)
Statue of Joan of Arc (1412-1431). Bronze sculpture by Emmanuel Fremiet (1824-1910). Photography, KIM Youngtae, Paris.
Statue of of Napoleon Ier , Laffrey , Rhone-Alpes , France , Europe
Dog (bronze)
Saint Michel defeating the dragon Group carved copper hammer, 1879-1897 (bronze)
St. Michael Fighting the Devil (gilded bronze)
Chien Courant Blessé (Wounded Hound) c.1856 (bronze with dark brown patina)
Chien Courant Blessé (Wounded Hound) c.1856 (bronze with dark brown patina)
Statue of Simon Bolivar (1783-1830), South American general and statesman.
Representation of the holy and warrior Joan of Arc on horseback (plaster)
Statue of Simon Bolivar (1783-1830), a South American politician, liberator of the Spanish colonnies of South America. Bronze sculpture by Emmanuel Fremiet (1824-1910). Photography, KIM Youngtae, Paris.
Chien Courant Blessé (Wounded Hound) c.1856 (bronze with dark brown patina)

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