Hodgson, Ursula

Creator details

Hodgson, Ursula
Ursula Hodgson did not attend art school but in her sixties had some private tuition in botanical painting and exhibited for many years at the RHS exhibitions, receiving silver and bronze medals for her studies. Several of her paintings have been used by greeting card businesses including the Medici Gallery, London.

Assets (30 in total)

Honeysuckle and Passion flower (w/c on paper)
Purple and White Violets, Daisy, Celandine and Forget-me-not (w/c on paper)
Camellia Adolf Audusson (w/c on paper)
Knapweed, Ox-eye Daisy and Toad Flax (w/c on paper)
Holly, Christmas Rose, Snowdrop and Winter Jasmine (w/c on paper)
Lily of the Valley and Cowslips (w/c on paper)
Harebells and other wild flowers (w/c on paper)
Bluebells, Broom, Herb Robert and other wild flowers (w/c on paper)
Snowdrop, Narcissus Cyclamineus, Iris Reticulata and Grape Hyacinth (w/c on paper)
Snowberries, Dogwood and Jasmine (w/c on paper)
The Robin (w/c on paper)
Tropeolium and Lonicera (w/c on paper)

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