Di Giovanni, Bertoldo (c.1420-91)

Creator details

Di Giovanni, Bertoldo (c.1420-91)

Assets (12 in total)

Bronze medal on the Pazzi conspiracy (1478)
Battle between Romans and Barbarians (bronze)
Bronze medal on the Pazzi conspiracy (1478)
Crucifixion, bronze relief
Medal with the head of Lorenzo De'Medici (1449-92) commemorating the Pazzi conspiracy of 1478 (recto) (bronze) (for verso see 120956)
Coin with portrait of Muhammad
Medal with the head of Giuliano De'Medici (1453-1478) commemorating the Pazzi conspiracy of 1478, verso (bronze) (for retro see 119165)
Medal depicting the Pazzi Conspiracy. Lorenzo de' Medici: recto
Medal depicting the Pazzi Conspiracy. Giuliano de' Medici: verso
The Triumph of Bacchus and the Deposition of Christ (bronze)
The triumph of Mehmed II
Medal depicting Cosimo il Grande: recto

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