Rossellino, Antonio (1427-79)

Creator details

Rossellino, Antonio (1427-79)

Assets (16 in total)

The Tomb of the Cardinal of Portugal, 1460-6 (marble) (for details see 97900, 97915-6)
Bust of Matteo Palmieri, 1468 (marble)
Bust of Giovanni di Antonio Chellini da San Miniato, 1456, (marble)
The Tomb of the Cardinal of Portugal, detail, 1460-6 (marble) (detail of 95657)
The Tomb of the Cardinal of Portugal, detail of the upper roundal of the Virgin and Child, 1460-6 (marble) (detail of 97657)
Virgin and child in mandorla. Low relief sculpture, 1478
Madonna and Child, 1460s (marble) (see also 73716)
Tomb of the Cardinal of Portugal, James of Portugal. Sculpture, 1459-1461
The Tomb of the Cardinal of Portugal, detail, 1460-6 (marble) (detail of 97657)
Bust of a young boy (marble)
Madonna and Child, 1460s (marble) (see also 226972)
Madonna 'del Latte', 1478 (marble)

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