Riccio, Andrea (or Briosco, Andrea) (1470-1532)

Creator details

Riccio, Andrea (or Briosco, Andrea) (1470-1532)
Riccio worked in terracotta and bronze and his works are typically small in scale: statuettes, plaquettes and elegant domestic items such as inkstands and oil lamps. He was an esteemed specialist in rendering themes of Classical mythology.

Assets (31 in total)

Head of a cleric, probably Antonio Trombetta, c.1506-16 (bronze copper alloy & marble)
Head of a cleric, probably Antonio Trombetta, c.1506-16 (bronze copper alloy & marble)
Portrait of a cleric, probably Antonio Trombetta, Padua, Italy, c.1506-16 (bronze copper alloy)
Portrait of a cleric, probably Antonio Trombetta, Padua, Italy, c.1506-16 (bronze copper alloy)
Portrait of a cleric, probably Antonio Trombetta, Padua, Italy, c.1506-16 (bronze copper alloy)
Portrait of a cleric, probably Antonio Trombetta, Padua, Italy, c.1506-16 (bronze copper alloy)
The Descent from the Cross (bronze)
Fame trumpeting in triumph over Death with Pegasus striking the ground and creating the spring Hippocrene, one of eight narrative reliefs relating to the life and fame of a medical professor, from the joint tomb of Girolamo (d.1506) and Marcantonio (d.1511) della Torre in S. Fermo Maggiore, Verona (bronze) (See also 95729-31)
The soul of the deceased in the form of winged infants, being led into the Elysian Fields, one of eight narrative reliefs relating to the life and fame of a medical professor, from the joint tomb of Girolamo (d.1506) and Marcantonio (d.1511) della Torre in S. Fermo Maggiore, Verona (bronze) (see also 95719-30)
Head of a cleric, probably Antonio Trombetta, c.1506-16 (bronze copper alloy & marble)
Head of a cleric, probably Antonio Trombetta, c.1506-16 (bronze copper alloy & marble)
Head of a cleric, probably Antonio Trombetta, c.1506-16 (bronze copper alloy & marble)

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