Merry, Tom (c.1852-1902)

Creator details

Merry, Tom (c.1852-1902)

Assets (41 in total)

Goschen and Ritchie, the Champion Weight Lifters, Now Appearing with Terrific Success at the Westminster Beer Garden, from 'St. Stephen's Review Presentation Cartoon', 14 April 1888 (colour litho)
The Royal Arms Jubilant, from 'St. Stephen's Review Presentation Cartoon', 25 June 1887 (colour litho)
'Come Out of That', Mr Gladstone Returns from the Country, and Finds his Seat Occupied, from 'St. Stephen's Review Presentation Cartoon', 7 August 1886 (colour litho)
The Armada of 1888 in Sight, Ministers at Play, from 'St. Stephen's Review Presentation Cartoon', 21 July 1888 (colour litho)
The Scapegrace of the Family, 'St. Stephen's Review Presentation Cartoon', May 15th 1886 (engraving) (b/w photo)
Mr Gladstone and his Clerks, from 'St. Stephen's Review Presentation Cartoon', 1 May 1886 (colour litho)
A bedroom for a country house in the Arts and Crafts Style (colour litho)
Gladstone being kicked out of parliament, c.1894 (litho)
Riding the Buck Jumpers, Lord Salisbury on the Black Horse, Gladstone, from 'St. Stephen's Review Presentation Cartoon', 30 July 1887 (colour litho)
On the Switchback, At the Irish Exhibition, Go Ahead, but Safe, from 'St. Stephen's Review Presentation Cartoon', 16 June 1888 (colour litho)
Scenes in the Liberal Union, No. 4 The Magistrate and the Refractory Casuals, from 'St. Stephen's Review Presentation Cartoon', 4 Dec 1886 (colour litho)
Doncaster, from 'St. Stephen's Review Presentation Cartoon', 17 September 1887 (colour litho)

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