Castaigne, Jean Alexandre Michel Andre (1861-1929)

Creator details

Castaigne, Jean Alexandre Michel Andre (1861-1929)

Assets (19 in total)

The Phantom of the Opera by Gaston Leroux, 1911 (illustration)
US Navy: Rear Admiral, Captain and Ensign, 1865 (colour litho)
The Death of Alexander (litho)
Seen through Parisian Spectacles, the English as they are portrayed on the Music-Hall Stage (litho)
T33806 The Rendez-Vous, 1899 (oil on canvas)
The Fight about the Chariot of Darius at Issus (litho)
Hellenic Ruins, 1896 (oil on canvas)
The Siege of Gaza (litho)
Alexander cutting the Gordian Knot (litho)
The Royal Procession, as seen from the Top of the Monument, looking South (litho)
It has been a Hard Winter, pub. 1893 (colour lithograph)
The Death of Darius (litho)

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