Faithorne, William (1616-91)

Creator details

Faithorne, William (1616-91)

Assets (16 in total)

Saducismus Triumphatus, the Second Part, engraved by the artist (engraving) (b&w photo)
Sir William Sanderson, 1658 (engraving)
Portrait of John Pordage (1608-98) (engraving)
Portrait of Charles I, 1658 (engraving)
Frontispiece to 'Mercurius Rusticus: The Country's Complaint Recounting the Sad Events of the late Unparalleld Rebellion', published in 1685 (engraving)
Barbara, Duchess of Cleveland (engraving)
St. John the Evangelist, 1657 (engraving)
Abraham Cowley (engraving)
Abraham Cowley, English poet (engraving)
Queen Elizabeth I (1533–1603)
Henry Lawes (1596-1662) (engraving)
Henry VIII (engraving)

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