Boucicaut Master, (fl.1390-1430) (and workshop)

Creator details

Boucicaut Master, (fl.1390-1430) (and workshop)

Assets (76 in total)

Marco Polo with elephants and camels arriving at Hormuz on the Gulf of Persia from India, c.1410-12 (tempera on vellum)
Pilgrims in front of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, c.1410-12 (tempera on vellum)
Navigators using an astrolabe in the Indian Ocean, c.1410-12 (tempera on vellum)
Nicolo and Marco Polo before the Great Khan, c.1410-12 (tempera on vellum)
Trade in the Gulf of Cambay, India, c.1410-12 (tempera on vellum)
Ms 2810 f.29v Monsters from the land of the Merkites, from the 'Livre des Merveilles du Monde', c.1410-12 (tempera on vellum)
Hassan I Sabbah leading the initiations at Alamut, giving his followers drugged wine, c.1410-12 (tempera on vellum)
Wolf-headed people of the Andaman Islands in the Indian Ocean, c.1410-12 (tempera on vellum)
Pepper harvest and offering the fruits to a king, c.1410-12 (tempera on vellum)
Kublai Khan giving Nicolo and Marco Polo safe conduct to Peking, c.1410-12 (tempera on vellum)
Dragons and other beasts, c.1410-12 (tempera on vellum)
Ms 251, f.16r: The marriage of Adam and Eve from 'Des Proprietes De Choses', c.1415 (gold leaf, gold ink & tempera on parchment) (detail of 276966)

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