Losenko, Anton Pavlovich (1731-73)

Creator details

Losenko, Anton Pavlovich (1731-73)

Assets (13 in total)

The Sacrifice of Isaac, 1765 (oil on canvas)
Zeus and Thetis, 1769 (oil on canvas)
Portrait of Aleksandr Petrovich Sumarokov (1718-77) 1760 (oil on canvas)
Portrait of Ivan Ivanovich Shuvalov (1727-97) President of the Academy of Arts (oil on canvas)
St. Andrew the Apostle (oil on canvas)
Portrait of the Grand Duke Pavel Petrovich Romanov (1754-1801), 1763 (oil on canvas)
Portrait of the Henninger, c.1760 (oil on canvas)
Portrait of the Comedien Fedor (Fyodor), 1763 (oil on canvas)
Portrait of Yakob Danilovich Shumsky (c.1726-1812) 1760 (oil on canvas)
The farewells of Hector and Andromaque: Starting for the Trojan War Hector, leaves his wife and his son Astyanax, 1773 (oil on canvas)
Cain, 1768 (oil on canvas)
The Miraculous Draught of Fishes, 1762 (oil on canvas)

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