Booker, Brenda Brin (1932-2001)

Creator details

Booker, Brenda Brin (1932-2001)
<p> Brin was born on&nbsp; the 10th September 1932. Her family lived in Plaistow, East London, whilst she was a very young child. Her father was a ship&#39;s carpenter and was mostly away from home for long periods on voyages.&nbsp;</p> <p> Shortly after the outbreak of war, Brin, at the age of seven,&nbsp;had a luggage label tied to her coat, and was shipped out of London along with many other children to supposedly safer places. Her parents went to Eastbourne as her father was needed to work&nbsp; repairing damaged ships. Her 17 year old brother joined the navy.&nbsp;</p> <p> Brin was delivered to Oxford and did not see either of her parents for many months.</p>

Assets (163 in total)

Blue Sailboats, 1989 (w/c on paper)
Canal Boats, 1989 (w/c on paper)
Blue River Landscape II, 1988 (oil on canvas)
Sailboat Evening (w/c on paper)
Elephant (acrylic poster colour and coloured inks)
Dog (acrylic poster colour and coloured inks)
Landscape (pen & ink with w/c on paper)
Ripening Fields, 1980 (w/c on paper)
Mouse (acrylic poater colour and coloured inks)
Summer River, 1989 (w/c on paper)
Hippopotamus (acrylic poster colour & coloured inks)
Pig (acrylic poster colour &coloured inks)

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