Jeaurat, Etienne (1699-1789)

Creator details

Jeaurat, Etienne (1699-1789)

Assets (22 in total)

Transport of Prostitutes to the Salpetriere, c.1760-70 (oil on canvas)
The Arrival of the Wetnurses (oil on canvas)
The Poet Alexis Piron (1689-1773) at the Table with his Friends, Jean Joseph Vade (1720-57) and Charles Colle (1709-83) (oil on canvas)
Carthusian Monks in Meditation (oil on canvas)
The Concert (oil on canvas) (pair of 101965)
Achilles leaving to avenge the death of Patroclus (oil on canvas)
Carnival in the streets of Paris Detail, 1757 (oil on canvas)
Interior of an Artist's Studio, 1755 (oil on canvas)
Transport of Prostitutes to the Salpetriere, 1755
The Arrival Of Nurses, 18th century (oil on canvas)
Street Carnival in Paris, 1757 (oil on canvas)
Diogene breaking his ecular Diogene of Sinope called the Cynic (413-327 BC), 18th century (oil on canvas)

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