Gillot, Claude (1673-1722)

Creator details

Gillot, Claude (1673-1722)

Assets (14 in total)

The Witches' Sabbath, c.1700-1720 (engraving)
The Two Coaches, a scene added to the comedy 'The Fair at Saint-Germain' by Jean-Francois Regnard (1655-1709) and Charles-Riviere Dufresny (1648-1724) c.1695 (oil on canvas)
Commedia dell'Arte:
Comedia dell'Arte:
Sabbath ceremony, demons, witches and monstrous creatures dancing. Engraving by Gillet, 17th century
The Triumph of Love (ink & w/c on paper)
Character from the Commedia dell'Arte (oil on canvas)
Sabbath ceremonies, demons, witches and monstrous creatures dancing. Engraving by Gillot, 17th century
Theatrical Scene (pen & ink and sanguine on paper)
Theatrical Scene (pen & ink on paper)
Four priests of theatre (w/c)
Festival of Fawn, God of the Forests, c. 1740

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