Pyle, Howard (1853-1911)

Creator details

Pyle, Howard (1853-1911)

Assets (386 in total)

Nero (AD 37-68) holding a golden lute with Rome in flames, from 'Quo Vadis' by Henryk Sienkiewicz, published 1897 (oil on canvas)
Thomas Jefferson Writing the Declaration of Independence, from 'The Story of the Revolution' by Henry Cabot Lodge (1850-1924), published in Scribner's Magazine, March 1898 (oil on canvas)
Marooned, 1909 (oil on canvas)
An Attack on a Galleon, 1905 (oil on canvas)
So the Treasure was Divided, 1905 (oil on canvas)
Pirate William Kidd burying treasure on Oak Island (colour litho)
The Nation Makers, 1903 (oil on canvas)
The Buccaneer Was a Picturesque Fellow, from 'The Fate of Treasure Town' by Howard Pyle, published in Harper's Monthly Magazine, December 1905 (oil on canvas)
Which Shall Be Captain?, 1908 (oil on canvas)
The Fight on Lexington Common, April 19, 1775, from 'The Story of the Revolution' by Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924)  (oil on canvas)
The Rush from the New York Stock Exchange on September 18, 1873, from 'A History of the Last Quarter Century' by E. Benjamin Andrews, published in Scribner's Magazine, July 1895 (oil on canvas)
Elizabeth Van Lew

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