Mantegna, Andrea (1431-1506)

Creator details

Mantegna, Andrea (1431-1506)
Andrea Mantegna (b.1431 d.1506) was an Italian painter and engraver born near Padua. Many of his works experiment with perspective and illusionism. In 1460 Mantegna moved to Mantua where he spent the rest of his career. His success reached beyond Italy due to his production of engravings. Mantegna was knighted in 1484, a rare honour for an artist.

Assets (316 in total)

The trompe l'oeil oculus of the Camera degli Sposi, 1465-74 (fresco)
The Agony in the Garden, left hand predella panel from the Altarpiece of St. Zeno of Verona, 1456-60 (oil on panel)
The Parnassus: Mars and Venus (oil on canvas)
Minerva Chasing the Vices from 'Triumph of the Virtues', 1502 (oil on canvas)
St. Sebastian, 1481 (oil on canvas)
The Calvary, 1457-59 (oil on wood)
Marchese Ludovico Gonzaga III of Mantua (reg. 1444-78), his wife Barbara of Brandenburg, children, courtiers and their dog Rubino, from the Camera degli Sposi or Camera Picta, 1465-74 (fresco) (detail of 78449)
The Resurrection, right hand predella panel from the Altarpiece of St. Zeno of Verona, 1456-60 (oil on panel)
The Ascension, left hand panel from the Altarpiece, c.1466 (tempera on panel) (see also 50042)
The Triumphs of Caesar, IX: Julius Caesar on his Triumphal Chariot, c.1484-92 (tempera on canvas)
The Triumphs of Caesar, I: The Picture-Bearers, c.1484-92 (tempera on canvas)
The Resurrection, right hand predella panel from the Altarpiece of St. Zeno of Verona, 1456-60 (oil on panel) (detail of 214239)

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