Giovanetti, Matteo (fl.1343-66)

Creator details

Giovanetti, Matteo (fl.1343-66)

Assets (10 in total)

Hunting dogs and men climbing a tree, detail of the decorative scheme from  La Chambre du Cerf (Stag Room) 1347 (fresco)
The Prophets Job, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Solomon, Moses, Ezekiel, David, and Enoch from La Salle de la Grande Audience (The Audience Chamber) c.1353 (fresco)
Scenes from The Life of St. John the Evangelist, from the Chapel of St. Jean, 1347 (fresco)
The Annunciation Angel, 14th century (oil on canvas)
Men hunting with dogs, detail of decorative scheme from La Chambre du Cerf (Stag Room) 1347 (fresco)
Angels from the Chapel of St. Jean, 1347 (fresco)
The Prophets from La Salle de la Grande Audience (The Audience Chamber) c.1353 (fresco) (see 87123)
L'Annunciation, 14th century (oil on canvas)
Detail of men bathing from the decorative scheme in the Hall of the Popes, 1437 (fresco)
The Prophets fresco in the Salle de la Grande Audience (The Audience Chamber), detail depicting the Prophets Moses and Isaiah, c.1344-5 (fresco)

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