Giovanni da Milano (fl.1350-70)

Creator details

Giovanni da Milano (fl.1350-70)

Assets (13 in total)

The life of the Virgin: Christ in the House of Martha and Mary (Fresco, 1365)
The Annunciation, detail from a polytych depicting The Lives of the Saints, from the Salone del II Piano, 1353-63 (tempera on panel) (see 87034)
The raising of Lazarus, 1365 (fresco)
Tthe life of the Virgin: the birth of Mary, detail (Fresco, 1365)
The life of the Virgin: the annunciation to Joachim and meeting with st Anne at the golden gate (Fresco, 1365)
The life of the Virgin: the birth of Mary (Fresco, 1365)
The life of the Virgin: the birth of Mary, detail (Fresco, 1365)
Rinuccini altarpiece: Virgin and Child with Saints - Detail of the predelle depicting a city - tempera on panel, 14th century
The life of the Virgin: Joachim expelled from Temple, the annunciation and the meeting with Anne, the birth of Mary, the presentation and the marriage (Fresco, 1365)
Christ on the Cross, detail from the polytych of the Spedale della Misericordia, 1353-63 (tempera on panel)
The life of the virgin: Christ in the House of Martha and Mary (detail) - Fresco, 1365
Christ Judge - Oil on wood, 14th century

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