Elsley, Arthur John (1861-1952)

Creator details

Elsley, Arthur John (1861-1952)

Assets (26 in total)

The Punch and Judy Show, 1912 (oil on canvas)
More Haste Less Speed, 1899
Picking Apples, 1919 (oil on canvas)
Besieged, 1893 (oil on canvas)
The Invaders
Full Inside, 1899 (oil on canvas)
Before the Bath, 1900 (oil on canvas)
A Young Briton (oil on canvas)
Private and Confidential, 1906 (oil on canvas)
The Morning Greeting, 1898 (oil on canvas)
Goodnight, 1911 (oil on canvas)
Summer Fun, 1915 (oil on canvas)

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