Barnes, Robert (1840-95)

Creator details

Barnes, Robert (1840-95)

Assets (166 in total)

A Merry-Go-Round on the Ice, 1888 (w/c)
Punch and Judy at the Seaside (engraving)
Unwelcome Visitors, Crows at a Tennis Party in India (engraving)
Physical Recreation for London Children, a Scene in Drury Lane Garden (engraving)
The Mayor of Casterbridge (engraving)
Cousin Isidor:
Christmas in Melbourne, a Chinese Pedlar making Presents to his Customers (engraving)
Our Tots Happy Xmas (engraving)
An Interesting Invalid (engraving)
Royal Naval Exhibition (engraving)
The Queen's Visit to Derby, Her Majesty receiving an Address in the Market-Place (engraving)
The Opening of the New Wing of the Hospital for Children in Great Ormonde Street by the Prince of Wales, the Presentation of Purses by Children to the Princess of Wales (engraving)

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