D'Oggiono, Marco (1470-1549)

Creator details

D'Oggiono, Marco (1470-1549)

Assets (29 in total)

The Wedding at Cana, 1519 - 1524 (arched fresco transferred to canvas)
Madonna and Child, 1525 (oil on panel)
The Madonna of the Violets (oil on panel)
The Three Archangels, 1516 (oil on panel)
The Saviour's Face
Madonna and Child, detail from The Madonna and Child with Saint John the Evangelist and Saint John the Baptist, 1510-20 (oil on panel)
Lamb of God, detail from The Madonna and Child with Saint John the Evangelist and Saint John the Baptist, 1510-20 (oil on panel)
Saint Anthony of Padua presenting Giulia Trivulzio. Detail( Tempera on wood, 16th century)
A Hermit Saint (Santo eremita), by Marco d'Oggiono, 15th Century, detached fresco
Madonna and Child, detail from The Madonna and Child with Saint John the Evangelist and Saint John the Baptist, 1510-20 (oil on panel)
Saint John the Baptist, detail from The Madonna and Child with Saint John the Evangelist and Saint John the Baptist, 1510-20 (oil on panel)
The Infant Christ and Saint John Embracing. c.1500-30 (oil on panel)

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