Schiavo, Paolo di Stefano Badaloni (1397-1478)

Creator details

Schiavo, Paolo di Stefano Badaloni (1397-1478)

Assets (8 in total)

The Virgin of Humility with Angels and Saints, c.1440 (tempera with gold on panel)
Venus on Pillows holding a Garland of Flowers with a Putto,  (tempera on panel)
Crucifixion, c.1448 (fresco)
Madonna and Child Enthroned, drawing for a fresco (sinopia on paper)
Madonna and Child Enthroned, drawing for a fresco (sinopia on paper)
Adam and Eve, from The Virgin of Humility with Angels and Saints, c.1440 (tempera with gold on panel) (detail)
Triptych by Paolo Schiavo (1397-1478).
Enthroned Madonna with Child and Saints Gerhard and Katharina, c.1450 (tempera on poplar wood)

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