Schiavo, Paolo di Stefano Badaloni (1397-1478)

Creator details

Schiavo, Paolo di Stefano Badaloni (1397-1478)

Assets (8 in total)

The Virgin of Humility with Angels and Saints, c.1440 (tempera with gold on panel)
Venus on Pillows holding a Garland of Flowers with a Putto,  (tempera on panel)
Crucifixion, c.1448 (fresco)
Madonna and Child Enthroned, drawing for a fresco (sinopia on paper)
Madonna and Child Enthroned, drawing for a fresco (sinopia on paper)
Triptych by Paolo Schiavo (1397-1478).
Adam and Eve, from The Virgin of Humility with Angels and Saints, c.1440 (tempera with gold on panel) (detail)
Enthroned Madonna with Child and Saints Gerhard and Katharina, c.1450 (tempera on poplar wood)

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