van de Velde, Henry (1863-1957)

Creator details

van de Velde, Henry (1863-1957)

Assets (31 in total)

Hanging 'La Veillee des Anges' designed by Henry van de Velde and worked by the artist and his aunt, 1893
Lady's Bureau, c. 1897 (wood)
Desk and chair, 1896 (oak)
Woman at the Window, 1889 (oil on canvas)
Portrait of Laurent in Blankenberge, c.1888 (oil on canvas)
Tropon, l'Aliment Le Plus Concentre; Tropon, the most concentrated nourishment, 1898 (colour lithograph)
Large vase, made by Reinhold Hanke, 1901-02 (stoneware)
The Jugendstil Room (photo)
Art Nouveau: office in oak, golden bronze, copper and leather, 1898 (oak, golden bronze, copper and leather)
The Haymaker, c.1891-92
Three pieces of Modell I flatware: 1 table knife (replacement blade), 1 table fork, 1 tablespoon, designed 1902 (sterling silver)
Six Bloemenwere dining chairs, c.1898 (mahogany with leather seat)

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