Levy, Emile (1826-90)

Creator details

Levy, Emile (1826-90)

Assets (19 in total)

Portrait of Jules Barbey d'Aurevilly (1808-89) 1881 (oil on canvas)
Ruth and Naomi, 1859 (oil on canvas)
The Death of Orpheus, 1866 (oil on canvas)
Poster advertising a performance of the play 'Germinal' by Emile Zola (1840-1902) at the Theatre du Chatelet (litho)
Poster for the theatral representation of the novel “
Cabourg poster (colour litho)
Cirque Fernando: The Writing Barber - Poster by Lévy, late 19th century
Les clowns Miguel & Evaristo - Poster by Lévy, late 19th century
Mademoiselle Lia Levy, 1882 (oil on canvas)
La Femme-Enfant (colour litho)
Johnsonlee, balancer, aux Ambassadeurs - Poster by Lévy, late 19th century

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