Signorelli, Luca (c.1450-1523)

Creator details

Signorelli, Luca (c.1450-1523)

Assets (166 in total)

Representation of the Italian poet Dante Alighieri, 1499-1504 (fresco)
The Preaching of the Antichrist, detail of Christ and the Devil, from the Chapel of the Madonna di San Brizio, 1499-1504 (fresco)
The Resurrection of Christ, c.1507 (tempera on poplar wood)
One of the Damned Riding on a Devil, from the Last Judgement (fresco) (detail)
Detail of the Elect in Paradise, from the Chapel of the Madonna di San Brizio, 1499-1504 (fresco)
The Poet Dante (1265-1321) detail from The Last Judgement cycle in the chapel of San Brixio, 1499-1504 (fresco)
The Martyrdom of St. Sebastian (oil on panel)
Court of Pan, c.1484 (oil on canvas) (b/w photo)
The Last Judgment. The Lost Souls in Hell, 1499 - 1502 (fresco)
Hell, from the Last Judgement (fresco) (detail)
Devils, from the Last Judgement (fresco) (detail)
Ovid (fresco)

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