Holloway, Edgar (1914-2008)

Creator details

Holloway, Edgar (1914-2008)

Assets (27 in total)

Portrait of Virginia Woolf (1882-1941) (engraving)
Portrait of  T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) 1934 (etching on paper)
The chapel of the Guild of St Joseph and St Dominic showing carvings by Eric Gill and Desmond Chute, Ditchling, UK, 1950s (b/w photo)
Self Portrait, No. 28 (etching on paper)
The Delay, 1942 (w/c on paper)
The Airman II (etching plate)
The Dominican (etching on paper)
Portrait of Henry Moore, 1978 (etching on paper)
Portrait of Sir Herbert Read, 1934 (engraving on paper)
Portrait of Dunstan Pruden, UK, 1950s (b/w photo)
Self Portrait, 1936 (etching)
Daisy Knitting, 1943 (etching on paper)

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