Furini, Francesco (1604-46)

Creator details

Furini, Francesco (1604-46)

Assets (17 in total)

Saint Lucia, 1630-46 (oil on canvas)
Sigismunda with the Heart of Guiscardo, 1645 (oil on canvas)
Allegory of the Union of Painting and Poetry, 1626 (oil on canvas)
Hylas and the Naiads
Head of a Girl, c.1640 (oil on canvas)
Allegory of the death of Lorenzo de Medici il Magnifico (Laurent de Medicis) known as The Magnificent (1449-1492). On the right, representation of the deities of fate, the Cabinets (or Parques): Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos. Fresco by Francesco Furini (1604-1646), 1635 around Florence, Palazzo Pitti, Sala degli Argenti
Hylas and the Nymphs Painting by Francesco Furini (1604-1646) Florence, Palazzo Pitti
Santa Lucia, c.1630-46 (oil on canvas)
David Winning on Goliath (Davide vincitore di Golia), by Francesco Furini, first half of the 17th century, oil on canvas
Head of the Virgin (red chalk on blue paper)
Adam and Eve (oil on canvas, 17th century)
Loth and his daughters, 17th century (painting)

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