Crocifissi, Simone dei (c.1330-99)

Creator details

Crocifissi, Simone dei (c.1330-99)

Assets (16 in total)

The Dream of the Virgin, c.1365–80 (egg tempera & gilding on softwood panel)
St. Bernard Tolomeo (1272-1348) giving the Rule to his Order (tempera on canvas)
Nativity, c.1380 (tempera on panel)
The Dream of the Virgin, c.1355-60 (tempera and gold leaf on panel)
The Annunciation (tempera & gold on panel)
Polyptych, 1385 - 1390 (tempera on panel)
Madonna and Child Enthroned with Angels (panel)
Virgin Mary, 1350-1355 circa, (oil on panel)
Madonna and Child Enthroned with a Donor, 1378 (tempera on panel)
Polyptych, 1385 - 1390 (tempera on panel)
Three Wise Men's Adoration, c.1350
Lamentation over the dead Christ with the client,  Iohannes de Elthinl, by  Simone dei Crocifissi, c. 1368. The Virgin is represented as Our Lady of Sorrows, with a sword in her heart.

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