Laurens, Jules Joseph Augustin (1825-1901)

Creator details

Laurens, Jules Joseph Augustin (1825-1901)

Assets (11 in total)

The Palace and Gardens of Ashref, Persia, plate 80 from 'Voyage in Turkey and Persia', engraved by the artist (litho)
The Rock of Vann, Kurdistan, 1901 (oil on canvas)
Sodom (Sodoma) The destruction of the city, Orleans (oil on canvas)
Study of an Afghan Warrior, Tehran, 1848 (pencil, w/c & bodycolour on paper)
The Palace of Tchar-Bag at Isfahan, Persia, plate 99 from 'A Voyage in Turkey and Persia', engraved by the artist (litho)
Bulgarians near Varna, printed by Lemercier, Paris (litho)
The bridge Allah Verdi Kahn, erige around 1608, in Isfahan (or Isfahan) (Iran), is both a crossing point to cross the river Zend e Roud, but also a dam to regulate the course of the river, with a Talar, or kiosk of mirrors, where the Persian ruler could observe the river. Drawing by Jules Laurens (1825-1901), to illustrate Arthur Gobineau's journey to Persia from 1855 to 1858. Engraving in “” Le tour du monde, nouveau journal des voyages”” Paris, 1860. Selva's collection.
The Historic Palace of Asterabad, Persia, plate 84 from 'A Voyage in Turkey and Persia', engraved by the artist (litho)
Roman head in Bithynia, 1896 (oil on canvas)
The Pond, after Théodore Rousseau (1812-67), 1872 (litho)
The suburbs of Teheran (present-day Iran). Drawing by Jules Laurens (1825-1901), to illustrate Arthur Gobineau's journey to Persia from 1855 to 1858. Engraving in “” Le tour du monde, nouveau journal des voyages”” Paris, 1860. Selva's collection.

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